IVF Facts
April 30, 2024
10 min

Infertility Treatment & Mental Health: How Patient-Centric Care Can Help

May marks International Mental Health Awareness Month. It is to promote understanding, acceptance, and support for individuals living with mental health conditions, as well as advocate for mental health equity and access to quality care.

When looking at the field of fertility care, it becomes undeniable that people who want to have children and are undergoing fertility treatment often struggle with mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety (Doyle et al., 2014). The unfulfilled desire for children leads to a sense of hopelessness, persisting even after many painful rounds of artificial insemination, thousands of euros spent, and negative tests. This intense psychological and physical burden affects everyone undergoing fertility treatments, as well as the partners, never mind their genders. A study even showed that the occurrence of depression among couples seeking infertility treatment surpasses that observed in comparable fertile couples. Likewise, anxiety levels are notably elevated among infertile couples compared to the general population (Doyle et al., 2014).

Luckily, experts recognize the significance of offering educational programs to address patients’ worries and uncertainties and adequately equip them for treatment rigors. The study suggests that clinics should adopt a patient-centric approach and that healthcare providers should tailor their services to meet the unique requirements of each couple (2014). Fertility software like MedITEX IVF and applications for better patient communication can help clinics achieve this goal of a more patient-centric approach to fertility treatments. 

The study additionally names the following precautions for clinics to provide more patient-centered care:

  1. Provide educational interventions

Offer information sessions or materials to address patients' fears and concerns about infertility and treatment options. Providing accurate and comprehensive information can help alleviate anxiety and stress.

  1. Monitor treatment outcomes

Regularly evaluate patients' psychological well-being throughout the treatment process and track it in apps like the Hope Fertility App. The patients can easily track their moods and any changes in the app on their phone. The data will automatically be added to their linked MedITEX IVF for you to see.

  1. Adopt a patient-centered approach

Tailor counseling and support services to meet the specific needs of each couple, as infertility affects individuals differently.

  1. Offer psychological support

Consider integrating psychological interventions such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), couples counseling, or infertility counseling into treatment plans. These interventions can help patients cope with emotional distress and improve their overall well-being.

  1. Assess risk factors for high distress

Identify patients who may be at higher risk for experiencing psychological distress, such as those with pre-existing psychopathology, primary infertility, or poor social support. Offer targeted support to address their needs.

  1. Screen for psychological support

Use validated measures to identify patients who may benefit from psychological support services. Refer patients to mental health professionals or infertility counselors as needed.

  1. Promote patient engagement

Encourage open communication between patients and healthcare providers. Involve patients in decision-making processes and empower them to advocate for their own care.

  1. Consider pharmacological treatment

In cases where patients develop depression or anxiety in the context of infertility, consider pharmacotherapy as an option. Collaborate with mental health professionals to determine the most appropriate treatment approach.

  1. Create a supportive environment

Foster a culture of empathy, compassion, and understanding within the clinic. Provide a welcoming and non-judgmental space where patients feel comfortable expressing their emotions and concerns.

All in all, a more patient-centered treatment ultimately supports your patients' mental health and well-being throughout the infertility journey. The MedITEX IVF software takes care of all the tasks in the background: documenting and processing the data, sending the information to all departments, and storing it in one digital location. This way, you can focus perfectly on the patients and fulfill their biggest dreams! Contact us for more information here.


Doyle, M., Carballedo, A. & World Health Organization. (2014). Infertility and mental health. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 20, 297–303. https://doi.org/10.1192/apt.bp.112.010926.